Time is flying? no. Time has done many things, since mid-February, and flying hasn't been one of them. But gone it is.
Purim tiptoed up and shrieked delightedly, before zooming off into the sunset.
Pretty, no? But the things tasted like I had sucked all the joy out of the cookie-and-jam concept. Next time, I told QG, screw the whole grains and bring on the fat! She blinked, and mildly suggested that maybe this variant was okay? Ha.
But such feats of nutritional thumb-in-yer-eye were not managed before Purim. Instead, we did costumes...
Neither cheetah (can't you tell?), alas, was inclined to model their costumes, but hey - they were happy. So who cares about the details? Okay, so I do. Which is why I'm scribbling notes here about how I made them. Just in case I decide to Do. It. Again.
(pause to consider this: I made Purim costumes. No, really.)
(No - really?)
(did I say "again?" Oh, no. I think I've finally cracked.)
Feeling terribly, terribly brave, I dragged my grandmother's sewing machine to crafty friends' home, shortly after handing the corpse of my laptop over to the fix-it (whoops, sorry, that'll be 79.99 and you'll need a new one) Mikes. There, with much handholding, I managed to cut a pair of rectangles, fold, hem part of each side (leaving room for the arms at the top and slits at the bottom, so the boys can run) and cut a circle at the top, for the head. Attach a tail, and voila! cheetah costumes.
Oh yes, and face paint. Which was the only part of the costume that the kids kept on for, oh, five minutes after I put the camera away. Hm.
Megilla with the Man and friends and whoosh! there went Purim.
Next up: Pesach. And a challenge. With two 7 yr olds, two 3.5-4 yr olds and one 2 yr old, nearly no budget and a no electronics rule, what would be a good Afikoman gift? Noting that, alas, one of the 7 yr olds is not a game player, both 3.5-4 yr olds will probably make the older ones crazy by wanting to have the same thing, balls and things that are going to fly are a bad, bad idea (many kids, things flying in air? oh, no), and the 2 yr old is probably not going to like the idea of waiting until after the sabbath to use any crafts...
anyone got a suggestion?
Building toys that slot together somehow? Funny polarized glasses that make rainbows on everything? Masks of some sort? Silly wigs? Floaty scarves?
Funny polarized glasses that make rainbows on everything?
This idea makes me think to suggest kaleidoscopes.
And non-wearable prisms are nice too, as they do their thing interactively or passively.
No ideas for the kids yet, but I will think.
In the meantime, your post made me think of this.
Things that fly... makes me think of helmets.
I like how the sides of the hamentaschen are . . . tall. Next time, I will strive to shape mine like that, the seams vertical and all. It's so appealing. Makes sense too, construction-wise.
My mom had a traumatic experience with hamentashen dough as a newlywed and swore off making the things forever. No great loss, imho. If they don't have chocolate in 'em they aint worth it... :)
Your cheetahs are incredibly adorable!
As for gifts, um, how about books? (She suggested unimaginatively.) Or possibly something paint-by-numbers-y if the little ones can be persuaded to wait for 3 days. (urk!)
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