Monday, October 19, 2009

and it did, too

In case you were wondering, I have found the perfect place to spend a birthday. Particularly one of those pesky, divisible-by-five types.

This past weekend, someone else cooked. Someone else cleaned. And someone played endless games of ski-ball and basketball and almost-air hockey. Someone laughed an awful lot, drank hot cocoa, got rained on, warmed toes at a fire and yes, the fun really did start there. Right before we crossed the dam at Pearson's Pond. Shortly before the big wheeled chair with the Happy Birthday sign, the stuffed giant hand and the musical accompaniment as I was pushed around and around the room of singing people.

By, among other people, the Eldest. Wearing a grin so ridiculously big, that you'd think it was his birthday, rather than mine.


dykewife said...

happy hatch day? which day? mine's on the 25th. :D

dykewife said...

dang, 15th.

Rachel L said...

Awesome! Hippo Birdie Two Ewe!

Auntie A said...

We're not really that old, though, right? Somewhere there is an accounting error, I'm sure of it ;)

Alison L said...

Woo hoo! Happy, happy birthday!!!!