My goal for this month is to wear a mildly humorous, distinctly wry face when asked, so, how's the summer going? Last month, I managed a less than slightly desperate look, and when asked, offered practical demonstrations. Or loan of small children. Over the course of the month, the Giggles learned what his older brother already knew: when the mama has that wild look in the maternal eye, it's a really bad time for small Lego to be underfoot. So tidy up. Tidy it all up.
It is actually possible that the best parenting that I did all month involved time-ins. The Eldest was fined with three days of time-in (a.k.a. helping the mama), and learned to stack dishwashers. His mama-placating strategies took a big jump forward when he shared notes with his fellow inmate, and learned that the Giggles had been instructed in the art of cleaning the dryer's lint filter.
Together, they made a potent team.
The lads still failed to understand the whole morning, get up and brush teeth and put on clothes business, but hey, they can splash in every single puddle in our perma-construction site of a block. Because they can do the laundry. And they can now eat their weight in fruit, if they like, with a solid 42% childsworth of cheese and corn thins. Because they can wash up.
Well, they can. And will, if there's sufficiently terrifying maternal incentive in front of them.
i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. i will use my powers for good. starting right after dinner.
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