Thursday, February 02, 2006

when needs be...

A time comes in a woman's life when she must wonder: can I detach the nursing baby, gently place him somewhere safe and still make it to the bathroom before my stomach contents stage their exodus?

Luckily for me, thus far today the answer has been yes. Even luckier for me, said baby has been fascinated by the unusual sounds his mama had been making, and was quiet while I was so occupied.

'Virus,' said the doctor, as my two boys bounced around her office. 'Virus,' said my dad, whisking out the door to his airplane. 'Oh, no,' said my partner, thinking of hours of worktime at risk. 'Aarrghmph,' said I.

The Mama's lesson for today: there are unexpected benefits to cleaning the toilet regularly.


RabotMachshavot said...

Feel Better!

Anonymous said...

I send you lots of calm tummy wishes.

ZM said...

Thanks, ladies! And right back at ya, Joy... Actually doing less bowing to the porcelain god and more imitating a limp noodle today. Nice change of pace.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, noodles.

Oh, sorry, what were we talking about? Um...


Glad you're on the mend.